Crystals: A beginners guide to discovering the magic of crystals

Crystals: A beginners guide to discovering the magic of crystals

If you follow my Instagram page, chances are you know about my fascination and love for crystals and their metaphysical properties. Enough to open up my own shop to share this love with you all! A little background on how I got into crystals. I found a crystal on the playground in elementary school and instantly fell in love. From there, I begged my parents to take me to different rock stores to buy more. I collected for years(& yes, I still have the same crystals from my childhood!). Now it wasn’t until I started college that I realized these crystals had magical properties of them. Everyone’s journey with crystals will vary so don’t worry too much about getting all the specifics down! But one thing is certain. They come to you when you need it most. In this article, we will be going over some helpful tips for starting off your journey!
How to select the right crystal for you
Some people will say not to pick out crystals just cause they are pretty. I say pick what stands out to you! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so what’s beautiful to you and others will vary. There’s a reason why that one caught your eye and you will find out through its meaning what this crystal is intended to do for you. If you don’t like this method, try looking for a crystal that can help with something you have been wanting, for example, protection from negative energy. A quick google search or ask the shop assistant for the right crystals for your needs!
Once you find out what type of crystal you want, you can either try selecting which stands out the most to you or holding different ones until you find a crystal that feels right. Some crystals could give you a tingling feeling but if you don’t feel this, no worries! Go with your intuition on this one. If your gut feels like this is the crystal for you, then go with that one!
What to do with the crystals
Now before you purchase your crystals make sure to write down or photograph what you are buying! It’s easy to forget which crystal is which when you are first starting your collection. You definitely want a method for referring back to your crystals, trust me!
The fun thing about crystals is that there are so many things you can do with them. When you first purchase the crystal, set your intent with what you want that crystal to do. For example, let’s say you purchase a Tiger’s Eye to help you gain courage. When you purchase the crystal hold it close to you and ask the crystal with gratitude to help give you courage in your new journey. From there, you can do so many exciting things with the crystals. If you know how to meditate, try to do so while holding a crystal. You can also carry your crystals with you in your pocket or bag. Certain crystals can be left by your work desk to help with focus, removing negativity, or even blocking harmful radiation from the screen(cool right?!). Other crystals can be left by your bed to assist in restful sleep, dreaming, and protecting you from other entities coming to you in your sleep. More advanced, you can do crystal grids(we will go over this in another post!)
The methods above are some suggested methods for using your crystals, either way do something that feels right and follows your intuition. Everyone’s journey is different, so if you find certain crystals don’t do well with one method but do great in other suggested methods then just follow that.
How to cleanse your crystals
Before we dive into how to cleanse your crystals, let’s go into why you should clean your crystals. Once your crystals start doing what they are intended to do, the energy starts to be drained and they eventually lose the spark. Let’s say you have a black Tourmaline crystal for protecting you against negative energies. That crystal will protect you by absorbing the negative energy rather than effecting you directly. But if this crystal is not cleansed of the negative energy it has absorbed then this crystal will eventually
stop protecting you as it no longer holds enough space to absorb more. So let’s cleanse the crystals!
First, how often should you cleanse your crystals? as often as you feel the energy being drained! A popular method for cleansing crystal is by running them under water(ocean water, rivers, & lakes are even better!) but tap water is fine too. But be careful with this method as not all crystals are safe under water, some can dissolve and others can emit toxic chemicals so make sure you look up your crystals prior to using this method. If your crystal is water safe, close your eyes and imagine the crystals being cleansed while running under water. Hold your crystal under water until you feel the crystal energy regaining.
Another method I find powerful is running the crystals through incense. I personally love Frankincense for cleansing crystals but you can use whichever you feel drawn to the most! just remember to leave your windows open when burning incense as you don’t want the energy to be trapped into your home.
Another method I like to share is asking people what they feel drawn to more, the sun or the moon? If you answered the sun, leave your crystals out for a little sun bath to give the suns energy a chance to cleanse the crystals. If you answered the moon, you can leave the crystals outside over night. However, if you’re scared of losing your crystals you can leave them by the window sill where the moonlight peeks in.
An advanced method for cleansing your crystals is by rubbing your two hands together, then holding the crystal, then closing your eyes, and then envisioning a ball of white light surrounding the crystal and cleansing them!
Once you are finished cleansing your crystals, don’t forget to start your intent again! If none of these methods work for you, feel free to reach out to me so we can find something that works for you!
if you made it this far thank you for joining on the beginners guide to crystals! stay tuned to find more like what it means when you lose a crystal, how to do crystal grids, and more! If you loved this article feel free to check me on @shopanahita for all your crystals needs!